FOCUS (Field Opportunities for Carriers of Undergraduate Students) is the certified Non government Organization established in 21st October 2010 under section 12(2) of Act No 24 of 2002 of the Non-governmental Organization Act, 2002(with Ref No 00042) under the Ministry of home affairs.
The establishment of FOCUS contributing on the great effort made by Tanzania government on improving the Higher Learning Education. The government has been increasing number of students to the Universities and Colleges but there are some challenges like inadequate links of field opportunities to students, shrinking of volunteerism spirit among students and insufficient extra curricular events on Higher Learning Institutions such as Trainings.
Therefore, FOCUS aim at providing trainings to undergraduate students (School of FOCUS), link them with field Opportunities in private and government institutions, to increase Volunteerism to students and to improve them with documentation skills through Trainings (School of FOCUS).
School of FOCUS, this is a program mainly designed and launched to cut the need of up coming professionals being capacitated. The program will accommodate at least 100 students on the range of topics at different time, like; proposal writing, report writing, public speaking, leadership skills, Event management, CV writingti, entrepreneurship, Research organisation and other professional trainings.
So in achieving this, FOCUS had prepared the proposal writing and report writing training which will be held in VETA Hotel on Saturday 8th January,2011 in Dodoma, Tanzania. The training will involve the students from the University of Dodoma (UDOM), Chuo cha Mipango, College of Bussiness Education (CBE - Dodoma), ST.John University of Tanzania (SJUT. The training will be facilitated by the professional facilitators from higher learning institution which are located in Dodoma.The goal of the School of FOCUS is to help undergraduate students to prepare productive and meaningful careers as young Professions on the issues of Documentations.
The objectives of this school of FOCUS are; To create awareness on the importance of proposal writing and report writing, to build skills to students on the issue of documentation skill, to build sense of confidence, to impart leadership understanding and awareness basing on Tanzania context and global at large and to assist students to understand the importance and how to conduct a research.
The expected results are; Having competent upcoming professionals on the issue of Documentation, having public speaking experts who can convey knowledge to the public, having professionals with leadership’s skills, having professionals who can find problems and solutions for the various issues in the society.
The targeted group; Higher learning students from different universities and colleges.
In doing, FOCUS is willing to partner with any other organization, company or stakeholders to work with in this program in order to build the nation and achieve the dream of young Tanzania as well as mission of FOCUS and your company or organization as the part of social service.
+255 714 414349